Terms and Conditions


  1. Basic facts
  2. Site information
  3. Trade names
  4. External links
  5. Our website information
  6. Material that is inappropriate
  7. Guarantees
  8. Disclaimer
  9. Site use
  10. General information

1. Basic facts

All information here is given to you by the website owners and all others who helped to create the site. It is given according to the terms and conditions and the privacy policy in addition.

2. Site information

We cannot assure you that all content is accurate and reliable. You are responsible for checking all facts as presented here. This applies to part or whole pages or articles, facts and data. We do review and update all content but responsibility lies with the user to ensure its accuracy before use.

We provide information as is, and do not guarantee its accuracy. While you are responsible for such accuracy and checking everything before acting on it, we welcome any notification of errors found, should they occur.

3. Trade names

All trade names, marks and other such items found on this website should be checked before being used. Permission is essential and you should not use them before such permission is received. Written permission is required.

4. External links

We do not assume that sites we link to are verified or accurate or reputable, and neither should you. We do all we can to link only to reputable websites but we take no responsibility for any other site we find or link to. Should anything happen as a consequence of your leaving this site through a link and arriving on another site, you are responsible for this occurrence and not us.

Furthermore these terms and conditions and all other statements of fact and notification on this site are applicable to this site only.

5. Our website information

External users may add their own information to certain parts of this website. Should this occur and such information is found to be incorrect, offensive, inaccurate or undesirable in any other way, we are not to be held responsible for it. We cannot check all content before it is added to the site by others. We do perform regular checks however, and if such material should be discovered by us we shall not have to notify any user – including the original poster – that we are about to remove it. Neither shall we have to give a period of notice at all before such an action takes place.

All material which meets the below criteria shall also be removed:

a) It proves to be damaging to one or more websites, including this one
b) It is law breaking in one or more states, countries or regions
c) It is promoting one or more businesses, opportunities or ventures
d) It is in violation of one or more laws regarding copyright issues, either with regard to personal interests, individual or business interests of any kind or type

6. Material that is inappropriate

All users of this website agree that they shall abide by every rule as laid down here and elsewhere within this site. With regard to this you agree that no material shall be added by you which may constitute breaking one or more rules or sections of these terms and conditions. No responsibility can or shall be taken by us with regard to this, or any events which stem from this. We cannot take responsibility for any actions or material which are added or taken by others.

7. Guarantees

All statements we give with regard to this website are on a strictly ‘as is’ basis. The same applies to any guarantees we may leave on the website, and no responsibility can be taken by us for anything which could occur which has a negative effect in any way.

8. Disclaimer

All use of information found on this site is with the express understanding that we can take no responsibility for any errors or omissions that could occur in any way, shape or form. You must check any and all facts and content before acting on them. This applies to all material and facts which are currently on the site, as well as to material which has been on the site in the past or may be in the future. This also applies to all individuals, companies, businesses and ventures in every way. You must check and verify all data before using it.

9. Site use

We cannot claim that any or all parts of this website are suitable to be used or acted on in any part or region of the world. You as the user of the website should always check the legality and appropriateness of any and all content you plan to use. Do not assume you are free to use it in your region or country. Check that it complies with any and all laws in force in your region before acting on it.

10. General information

These terms and conditions replace all others which could have been in force, and they are provided as is. They are agreed to be in force between the owners of the site and all others who use the site at any time.

a) We may make any or all changes we think are vital and necessary for the site. All content is ours to change, remove or add to at any time. We can do this within the terms and conditions and also within the privacy policy. No notice needs to be given in advance of any changes we decide to make in any way.
b) Terms and conditions could exist for a separate part of the site. Should this occur for any reason, they shall supersede these terms and conditions for that part only.
c) We cannot and shall not change the terms and conditions to make true the wishes of any other person or party. A written statement may be the only way this could occur.
d) A third party could receive all rights to this site should we deem it necessary at any stage.
e) Any and all statements and sections of these terms and conditions can be held as being separate. Any part which proves unlawful or cannot be held as being in force in a court of law should be assumed not to have existed.
f) All terms and conditions are provided under the laws of the United Kingdom. This is true even though all people in the world could access and use this site. You agree to this and agree that all disputes which could occur will be dealt with under these laws and no others.
g) All questions or comments that could arise as part of your using this website should be directed to us, the owners of the website. Please use the details as provided on other pages of the site.